Showing off my new stole in Croton-on-Hudson
My sons Matthew on the left, and Thomas in the middle.
With my fiancé Dr. Sherry Warren
Our family acting goofy at the Bronx Zoo
I have very big boys! I love them very much.
Sherry has turned me into a dog person. This is Cheezit.
My parents, Sally and Fay.
Cooking and baking are a passion of mine. Cheezit approves!
Getting ready to preach in person at my mentee’s ordination.
Getting ready for Christmas Eve
Worship at the San Antonio church
Time for all ages (“Story Wisdom” in their liturgy) among the San Antonio kids.
Annual San Antonio Christmas Pageant. I was a featured player as a “man” on the way to Bethlehem. (No small parts, just small actors!)
A Hawaiian themed Flower Communion. I believe Flower Communion should be a joy-full and spirit filled celebration.
Preparing to do a wedding at the beach in southern Florida.
The first wedding in San Antonio in which one of the members was transgender.
One of the first legal same sex weddings I performed; shortly after Delaware legalized same sex marriage.
Wedding in Wilmington Delaware sanctuary
Child dedications in San Antonio. One of my favorite services of the year.
The fun of an Easter egg hunt in Omaha Nebraska. The child in this picture is now well over 6 foot tall and in college!
San Antonio has the largest Martin Luther King Day march of any city in the US. This is the contingent from First UU San Antonio.
Speaking at a press conference on immigration issues prior to the 2016 election. Seated on the right is the Archbishop of San Antonio.
Co-chairing an accountability session for COPS Metro in San Antonio. IAF community organizing has been very influential on my thinking regarding social justice.
At a Planned Parenthood event in San Antonio. Standing left of me is Celie Richards, daughter of former Texas Govenor Ann Richards, and President of Planned Parenthood at the time.
Meeting Senator Tom Carper (D-DE), at my installation service at First Unitarian Church of Delaware.
My ordination at the First UU Church of Ann Arbor Michigan; June 10, 2000. Here I am receiving the Charge to the Minister from my friend, teacher, mentor, and noted UU historian Charles Howe. Rev. Ken Phifer, minister of the Ann Arbor church at the time, is seated in the left corner.
Receiving Final Fellowship at General Assembly in Cleveland Ohio.
Meeting then President John Buehrens when I was a student at Meadville Lombard - probably in 1998. Proving that yes, Rev. Josh did have hair at one point!
Hanging out with another UU hero of mine; Denny Davidoff. This was at a Meadville fundraiser for alumni.
A Board Meeting for the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association toward the end of my term as Treasurer.
The 2018 meeting of Prairie Group, a ministerial study group that writes and responds to academic papers written by its members. I have been a member since 2007, and at the time of this picture, was serving as Chair of the Program Committee.